The Ingenium Books Podcast: Author. Publisher. Changemaker.
The trusted source for indie authors and/or publishers who aspire to be — or already are — changemakers. Your podcast hosts are Boni and John Wagner-Stafford of Ingenium Books. Publishing bi-weekly. Learn more at www.ingeniumbookspodcast.com.
The Ingenium Books Podcast: Author. Publisher. Changemaker.
Breaking Boundaries: The Inspiring Journey from Dyslexia to Self-Publishing
In this riveting episode of The Ingenium Books Podcast, author Ivan Scott defies the odds as he shares his journey through more than 300 rejections from traditional publishers, overcoming dyslexia, and achieving his dreams. With his mantra of "find a way or find an excuse," Ivan's story and positive attitude will inspire you no matter what obstacles you face in your author journey.
"With dyslexia, I have to go from A to B, over to C, then to D, then to E and F. Oh, okay, now I'm where I need to be. It just takes me a diftferen.t path to get tere. And now that I have figured out how to do it, that's the way that I roll." — Ivan Scott
In this episode, you will:
- Gain inspiration and practical insights on how one author has overcome dyslexia-related challenges in writing.
- Uncover the advantages of self-publishing when rejections from publishers mount.
- Learn about the impact dyslexia can have on your writing and how to navigate through it.
- Understand the importance of perseverance in your self-publishing journey.
- Gain a deeper understanding of the self-publishing journey and what it entails.
- Find motivation to pursue your dreams as an aspiring author with dyslexia.
The resources mentioned in this episode are:
- Visit Ingenium Books website to learn more about their services and resources for authors.
- Check out Ivan Scott's website to discover his books and learn more about his writing journey.
- Purchase Ivan Scott's books on popular online platforms such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Book Depository.
- Consider self-publishing your own book with Ingenium Books if you're interested in taking control of your publishing journey.
- Explore the podcast episodes of the Ingenium Books podcast for more conversations and insights on author publishing.
- Connect with Ivan Scott on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter to stay updated on his latest projects and writing updates.
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